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Thursday, September 1, 2016
Assalamualaikum and hi all :)

Alhamdulillah we are reaching September already. A blessful and greatful September I guess. Every month I hope to be better from the previous month. As for business, study and also in my personal life.

Starting September I will continue my study. I hope I can do well for this subject. A really new subject for this month. Cuak pon ade since I dont have technical skill in computer. Well hey, this is the time for me to grab the knowledge. Biidznillah~

Then another thing to focus on is on my business. Alhamdulillah as time goes by my business expansion is growing very well. I have fighters in my #teamAinulAqma to be taken care of. I have to guide them and give them support to the fullest.

Meroket fighterku sorang ni. Bau SM dah dekat sangat2!!

What I love in doing this business is you are not success alone. Your success is together with the team. Bila anak didik berjaya itulah tanda kejayaan kita. Bukan diatas goyang kaki but you carry a BIG RESPONSIBILITY to make sure all the team members achieve great success. In shaa ALLAH. Can't wait to make sure all my fighters qualify for ITALY/UMRAH FREE TRIP. Seronoknya pergi ramai2!! VVIP treat pulak tu~

As I'm growing older (tak tua mana pun weyyyy) a lot of things I have to plan ahead. I am a leader, I am a daughter, I am a student, I am an employee...Huaaaa a lot of hats I have to wear at the same time but that's how life going. Chin up, Aqma! :D

Dear women, let's change the world!

So, let's pray that September will bring great memories for all of us. More life improvement and more achievement unlocked. In shaa ALLAH. Fighting kawan2!! Okay now time to plan for team strategies, what to bring for next travel, set date for team coaching, apply leave for exam, lock date for Premium Beautiful client's fitting, and the list goes on.............................................

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