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Kalau Dapat Peluang Berhijrah Nak ke.....

Thursday, March 24, 2016
Assalamualaikum and hi all :)

Lately ni aqma suka tengok video mereka yang duduk bermustautin di negara luar. How lifestyle diorang and apa diorang buat untuk adapt other people culture, how their apartment looks like and all are amazing !

Dalam tengok2 video tu ada la juga aqma terfikir nak berhijrah tinggal di negara orang. Bukan untuk selamanya. Maybe dalam few years. Aqma seorang yang suka mengembara and teroka tempat2 baru sebenarnya. So, maybe one day I will migrate to some other places. I hope my future husband is a ambassy people :P

So, destinasi pilihan aqma adalah..... *inside drum rolls here*


Yeszaaaa. Aqma nak sangat tinggal kt Jepun. Walaupun tak pernah lagi jejak kan kaki kat jepun tapi nak sangat2 duduk kat sana. Anak2 sekolah kat sana. *semoga angan2 jadi kenyataan*

Walaupun orang kata tinggal kat Jepun ni rumit sebab everything must be in place. Even nak buang sampah pun kena berfikir2, kena asingkan betul but hey why not trying? Been craving to live there since I was in high school. Took japan language classes and learn their lifestyle. OMG I am really looking into this!

This is my favourite youtuber from Japan. You should watch!


Rasa macam common lak orang malaysia menetap di Korea. Ramai dah orang Malaysia yang settle down kat Korea. Korea is a nice place to stay too. Of course I want to feel the coldness. Hihihi. 

Apart from that, I love Korean food too! Hahaha. Living in Korea makes me aware about my looks since they are really concern with looks, skin and body shape. Another thing is they are not really obsess with cars. They will walk and take public transport to go from one place to another. Oh ya, this work at Japan too. 

Sure kurus kaki sebab berjalannnn je ! This is my favourite youtuber from Korea. 

3. Australia 

Ni pun dah macam mainstream je kalau berhijrah ke sini. Dah ramai melayu and malaysian people kat oz. So, nak jugak la try stay sana. Why not kan?? Kat australia ni yang bestnya makanan senang cari. Hihihi..

So, these are the 3 most wanted place I want to stay apart from Malaysia. So what's your choice place of living? Let me know by comment down below~

Till then,
Love A.Aqma

2 comments on "Kalau Dapat Peluang Berhijrah Nak ke....."
  1. Good luck aqma!InsyaAllah impian bakal jd kenyataan. Never stop dreaming. Dreams will take you anywhere. Dulu kecik2 nini psg impian nk duk negara omputis, mcm lawa mcm bersih mcm sejuk gittew...hehe. Tp bila dh rezeki duk sini ni, tetap rindu negara sendiri. Btul la pepatah kiter, hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, baik lagi negeri sendiri. Sbb kt sini x penah pun hujan emas...hujan batu selalu lerrr...kih3.

  2. nak jepun jugakkk,,sbb kemudahan kat sanaa bestt !



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